CapCut for PC Download Latest Version for Laptop or Windows

MyCapCutAPKs Official

Download the Latest Version of CapCut for PC, Windows, or Laptops

In the realm of photo editing, selecting the right video editor for your needs can often be more challenging. However, when choosing options like CapCut for PC, this challenge reshapes into a fantastic, thrilling adventure. Have you ever wondered how to uncover the perfect video editing software that offers the ideal fit with all the desired qualities? 

CapCut for Windows is your creative powerhouse editor with various frames, captivating effects, and creative templates. We are delighted to let you know that we explain step-by-step directions differently. How to use and download CapCut for Windows to create captivating and stunning videos.

Donโ€™t hesitate to download the CapCut application by clicking the above button. You can also download the top trending CapCut Template by opening the blue link.

CapCut PC Information Table

NameCapCut for PC/Laptop/Windows
File Size455 MB
CategoryVideo Editor and Player
Downloads96.3k PC version and 500 million Android version
Ratings4.8 PC version and 4.5 Android version
Version4.8.0 latest version for PC
License TypeFree
AuthorBytedance Pte. Ltd.
Simple User Interface of CapCut

What is CapCut for Windows?

CapCut, the popular video and photo editing application, first launched on Android devices. But fans eagerly await its PC version to hit the market. Many popular photo and video editors are available in the market, such as Inshot, Kinemaster, Remini, and Alight Motion, but the fame of CapCut stands at an extraordinary level.

CapCut for PC provides a user-friendly photo editing interface that empowers you to deftly crop images, rotate, resize, add text, fine-tune visual colors, and much more. You can also effortlessly share your captivating edited images directly on digital media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Is CapCut available for PC? It’s a question that has ignited curiosity among many users. The answer is: You can now use and install CapCut APK for PC or Laptop. But we are using emulators to install and download CapCut for Windows 11/10/7. Here is an interesting piece of information: You don’t need an emulator to use CapCut Mod APK on Android; you can download it directly from our website.

WHAT IS CapCut for PC

Minimum Requirements of System to download CapCut on PC

Minimum RequirementsRecommended Requirements
Architecturex64 or ARM64x64 or ARM64
ProcessorIntel Core i3 8th Gen, AMD Ryzen 3000, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cAMD or Dual Core CPU from Intel
StorageHard drive 10 GBSSD
RAM4GB8 GB RAM for HD media; 16 GB RAM for 4K media or higher resolution
Resolution1280ร—8001920×1080 or higher
Graphic CardNVIDIA GT 630/650m, AMD Radeon HD6570NVIDIA GTX 660/Radeon R9 270 or higher
Operating SystemWindows 7/8/10/11 version Mac OS X 10.11Windows 10/11 (64-bit)Mac OS X 10.11

How to Download CapCut for PC?

The question arises: How do you install or download CapCut for PC? There are two methods to install and download CapCut on your laptop or PC. One way is without an emulator, and the other with an emulator. It depends on your device’s specifications and what suits your preferences.

No matter which method you choose, you’ll have the capability to access all of CapCut’s powerful editing features. CapCut empowers you to create stunning and captivating videos.

what is CapCut for PC

Option 1: Downloading CapCut for Windows without an Emulator

If your device fulfills the minimum requirements, you can easily download CapCut for iOS/PC without Android Emulators like Bluestacks.

Option 2: Downloading CapCut for PC with an Emulator

If your device does not fulfill the minimum requirements, you can download CapCut APK for PC with a recommended Android emulator. Many popular Android emulators, such as Bluestacks, NoxPlayer, and LD Android Emulator, allow you to install and run Android versions on your PC.

Download CapCut for PC without an Emulator

If you want to install and download the PC version of CapCut without an emulator, please make sure that your system meets all the minimum requirements. Here is a step-by-step guide to downloading CapCut on a laptop/PC without an emulator:

Step 1: Choose the above “Download” button. 

Step 2: Download the” CapCut App” on your PC.

Step 3: The download process might take some moments to get the app on your device.

Step 4: Once the download is done, select a device on your system to get the CapCut Application.

Vaila, the best thing is that you’ve downloaded CapCut on your PC or laptop.

Download CapCut for PC without Emulator

Download CapCut on PC with Emulator

Does your PC or laptop not meet your CapCut requirements? You have the option to download it through a secure Android emulator. Here is a step-by-step guide to download CapCut on your personal computer with an Android emulator:

Step 1: Choose any Android emulator, such as Bluestacks and LD Android Emulator, to run CapCut for PC or Laptop.

Step 2: Enter “Google Play Store” in the search bar of the Android emulator.

Step 3: Download the CapCut App and install it on your PC.

After installing CapCut, you can utilize it as an Android version, providing a PC alternative.

YouTube video

Bluestacks Emulator Installation Method

Bluestacks stands as an exceptional and dependable choice among Android app players. It effortlessly executes Android apps on both PC and Mac systems. With Bluestacks as our reliable tool, we’ll seamlessly procure and configure CapCut for Windows 10/8/7. Here are step-by-step directions on how to install and download CapCut on Windows using the Bluestacks emulator:

  • Download the “Bluestacks” emulator by simply clicking the button below.
  • To start the bluestacks.exe package, navigate to the download folder.
  • To initiate the installation wizard, double-click the application.
  • The installation process will be finalized shortly, bringing you steps away from using CapCut.
  • After completing the installation process, click to launch the Bluestacks emulator.
  • After launching, you’ll find yourself on Bluestacks’ Home screen.
  • From the Home screen, you can easily open the “Google Play Store” button.
  •  Sign up to the Play Store (Google) using your Gmail ID.
  • Search for the CapCut app you wish to install.
  • Click on the application in the search bar to start the installation process.
  • Search the CapCut app on the home interface of the Bluestacks Emulator.
  • Open and start using CapCut on your computer or laptop, then launch your project as demonstrated below.

Now, Watch the tutorial video below to learn how to use CapCut on your computer with an emulator.

Blue stacks Emulator Installation Method

Nox Player Emulator Installation Method

  • Download the “Nox Player” Emulator from this location to get started.
  • Open the downloaded file to execute the installation method.
  • Make sure to agree to the rules and regulations before choosing ‘install’ from the menu.
  • Please continue to wait as the installation process finishes.
  • Access Nox Player on your computer by clicking its icon.
  • Vaila! You are successfully setting up the Nox emulator.
  • Click on the Play Store on your computer and sign in with your Google ID to install Android apps.
  • Use the Play Storeโ€™s search bar to find and open the CapCut application.
  • Get CapCut on your PC and start using it right away.

LD Player Emulator Installation Method

  • Download the “LD Player” Android emulator for both for both PC and Mac systems.
  • After finishing the download, simply double-click the downloaded file to begin the installation method.
  • Follow quick instructions to complete the setup in just a minute.
  • Once the installation is done, click the LD Player icon to launch the emulator.
  • You can easily find CapCut in LD Player by opening the Play Store.
  • In the search results, click the CapCut app to start the installation method.
  • Give it a moment โ€“ CapCut is successfully installed on your PC, whether it is running on Mac or Windows.
  • Once installed, easily access CapCut by selecting it from the LD Player home screen.

Download CapCut PC From Microsoft Store

  • Are you aware that CapCut has now landed on the Microsoft Store? It’s fantastic, making it super easy to get the mobile app on your PC. 
  • Download CapCut for your PC effortlessly by accessing the Microsoft Store on Windows.
  • Select the download link below and tap the “Get” button.
  • Your computer will quickly download and seamlessly configure the CapCut application with you.
  • Once the installation is complete, you’re welcome to launch the application and dive into the realm of captivating video editing.

What are Android Emulators?

A Personal Android Emulator is a software application that emulates your Android app on your Computer, PC, or Computer. It allows you to operate Android apps and test them on your Computer without any physical mobile devices.

What is Android Emulator

Features of CapCut for Windows

CapCut for PC offers a wide array of features to make stunning and outstanding videos. Letโ€™s explore these features one by one:

  • User-Friendly Interface
  • No Ads
  • Auto Subtitle
  • Social Sharing
  • Music Library
  • No Watermark
  • Easy to Use
  • Glamorous Beauty Filters And Effects
  • Brilliant Design

Audio Entertainment Hub

CapCut Mod APK’s Audio Entertainment Hub offers a great selection of music, sound effects, and voiceovers to enhance your videos easily. If you’re looking for more audio options, try Pocket FM Mod APK, which has a variety of podcasts, audiobooks, and live radio stations for entertainment.

User-Friendly Interface

CapCut For PC provides a user-friendly interface to create stunning and captivating videos. It doesn’t stop at basic video resizing, clipping, and editing.

Video Effects

This extraordinary video editor unleashes a stunning array of creative enhancements, empowering you to effortlessly achieve artistic transformation.

No Ads

The most frustrating aspect for many video editors is ads, which often interrupt the flow with pop-ups. However, this issue is resolved in CapCut Pro APK. 

Music Library

CapCut empowers you to effortlessly import and export your cherished playlist, intensifying the thrill. Moreover, you can artistically manipulate the background melodies, infusing a symphonic essence into your creations.

Auto Subtitle

CapCut offers an incredible auto subtitle feature for videos. It operates similarly to Google’s auto-translate artificial intelligence technology. You no longer need to add subtitles manually; they are automatically included in your video.

Social Sharing

Social media is a fast-growing digital world that keeps getting more significant. Many people use it to express affection through their follower groups and fans on digital media. You can use CapCut to captivate your audience at the next level.

Alternatives to CapCut PC

People are looking for alternatives to CapCut to Switch from old-style entertainment. Here’s a brief list of other options to CapCut for PC like Luma Fusian, VivaCut, Action Ninja, FlexClip, Animoto, Biteable, Openshot and KineMaster Mod APK. You can also use the above alternatives to transform your creations into captivating and stunning videos.

Pros and Cons of Using CapCut


  • Elevated User Experience: Using CapCut on a computer like a PC or laptop takes editing to the next level, providing a more engaging and satisfying experience.
  • Broader Input Options: Using PCs and laptops with keyboards and mice offers a diverse range of input choices that enhance the editing process. 
  • Seamless File Access: When you use CapCut APK for PC, you can easily access your files and saved projects without transferring data between devices.


  • High-Performance Requirements: CapCut for Windows might need a more powerful computer, which could be problematic for people using older or less powerful devices.
  • Compatibility Conundrum: CapCut for PC might lead to compatibility problems, causing your device to perform slowly or experience difficulties with the app.


CapCut for PC is a user-friendly video editing tool that uplifts you to create captivating and outstanding videos. With a wide range of features, including a user-friendly interface, no ads, auto subtitles, and social sharing capabilities, CapCut captivates your video editing experience.

If you want to install or download a CapCut for a computer, you have two options: with or without emulators. It depends on your system’s specifications. If your system fulfills the minimum requirements, you can directly download CapCut without emulators. 

On the other hand, if your system doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, you can use emulators to install CapCut. Whether you need emulators or not, CapCut’s availability for PC brings its powerful editing capabilities to your fingertips. 

Don’t hesitate! Tap on the above download button and enjoy the captivating and stunning videos.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

You can use CapCut for a PC or Laptop without an Emulator. 

Yes, the CapCut PC version is also free.

You can use Android emulators such as Bluestacks, LD players, and more if your system does not meet the minimum requirement.

If your system fulfills the minimum requirement, you can effortlessly install and download the CapCut on a Laptop or PC.

Yes, the CapCut is 100% free of cost to use and download on your computer or Laptop.